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Setup Microsoft 365 for SSO

Setup and Configuration of the XELOS Microsoft 365 Connector for SSO and OneDriveBusiness Connectivity

Register XELOS in AZURE Active Directory

  1. Login to your AZURE Active Directory
  2. Go to APP Registrations (use the preview version if available)
  3. Click New Registration and add XELOS as application


Name (free choice, e.g. XELOS)
Supported acount types (free choice, based on your needs)
Redirect URI https://yourXELOSdomain/webservice/authorize/client



azure-register						Doc Files

Create Client secret

  1. Open the created app and copy Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID from the Overview
  2. Afterwards go to Certifcates & secrets
  3. Click + New client secret add a description and set expiry to Never
  4. Add the secret and copy the secret key for the next step


azure-client-id						Doc Files

Configure MS 365 Module in XELOS

  1. Open the XELOS Admin Dashboard
  2. Install the Microsoft 365 library if not available yet
  3. Open the module configuration and fill out Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret with the values from the previous step
  4. Activate OneDrive Business if you want users to gain the ability to store and load files directly from the associated OneDrive Business

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