final class XF

Class xf Singleton Fabric The xf class is used to get access to helpers and instantiate other objects.


Trait ObjectManager XELOS Framework


protected array $object_cache

Each object created by a success call of __call or __get will be saved into this property to avoid a multiple creation of same objects and minimize performance loss. If the multiple creation of objects is desirable e.g. in factory classes, the caching can be disabled by setting xf_trait::factory_mode to true.

from  ObjectManager
protected array[] $registry

The instantiation of a requested object can be processed only if the class of the object is registered with the class name as key and its information as array in this property. The element should have at least the class name or the relative path to "class" folder.

from  ObjectManager
protected string $lib_class_dir

This property contains the path to the folder served as root for all requested classes. This folder can contains other folder or classes. All requested and registered classes will be searched in this folder by concating this path with the relative path defined in the registration of the requested class. If the class is not included it will be done on the fly.

from  ObjectManager
protected string $lib_class_prefix

An optional possibility to pretend a prefix for all registered classes.

from  ObjectManager
protected string $ns_class_prefix

An optional possibility to pretend a namespace prefix for classes have no namespace yet.

from  ObjectManager
protected bool $factory_mode

This property effects the object cache. By default it is set to false to enable the object cache for all requested objects. If this property is set true, the object cache will be disabled.

from  ObjectManager
protected array $injection_objects

This is an assoc array and contains objects that will be injected into each requested object. Each containing object will be injected by the name of the key. E.g. ['mod' => $object] this would inject the property named mod with the value of $object.

from  ObjectManager
protected bool $auto_init

This property controls if the init method of requested objects is called by this trait or not.

from  ObjectManager
DB $db
Lib $lib
IM $im
UI $ui
User $user
Config $config
Event $event
View $view
Theme $theme
array $GPvars
int $grd_count
string $mode
mixed $mode_tunneled
mixed $cron_id
array $model_cache
System $system


__call($class, $args)

Magic method.


Magic method.


Magic method.

__set($name, $value)

Magic method.

exit($exitCode = 0)

No description

getObjectIfAvailable(string $class)

This method will return an object without killing the whole process by triggering a fatal error You can use this method if its possible that the object is not available, e.g. due to user configurations


Returns the path to class directory.


Returns the defined prefix for all classes.


Returns an array containing all objects were requested.


Initializes main xf components.

static xf

Returns an instance of xf class.

set_injection_objects(array $objects)

Add given objects to injection object list that will be inject into object by magic call. The array should consists of property name as key and object as value.

set_instantiation_closure(string $class, $callable)

No description


Sets the directory where classes are stored.


Sets the class name prefix.


Global Shutdown Function being called on finishing Page Call

skip_init(string $component)

No description

xelos_object_manager_init(bool $lib_class_dir, string $lib_class_prefix = '', string $ns_prefix = '')

trait constructor This method have to be called from constructor of each class that uses this trait.


in ObjectManager at line 249
mixed __call($class, $args)

Magic method.

Returns the requested object. If the object is not cached, it will be instantiated with given arguments. This method calls xf_trait::get_object.



Return Value


in ObjectManager at line 231
mixed __get($class)

Magic method.

First it checks if the requested property is defined and returns it if null. If not defined of null, it calls xf_trait::get_object and returns its return value.



Return Value


in ObjectManager at line 199
bool __isset($property)

Magic method.

This method checks whether the property is defined or injected by __set. If not injected or defined, it will check the registry for an entry of requested property.



Return Value


in ObjectManager at line 219
__set($name, $value)

Magic method.

Sets the given value by $name



at line 230
exit($exitCode = 0)

No description



in ObjectManager at line 266
object|null getObjectIfAvailable(string $class)

This method will return an object without killing the whole process by triggering a fatal error You can use this method if its possible that the object is not available, e.g. due to user configurations


string $class

Return Value


in ObjectManager at line 167
string get_lib_class_dir()

Returns the path to class directory.

Return Value


See also


in ObjectManager at line 177
string get_lib_class_prefix()

Returns the defined prefix for all classes.

Return Value


See also


in ObjectManager at line 187
array get_object_cache()

Returns an array containing all objects were requested.

Return Value


See also


at line 162

Initializes main xf components.

First they will be instantiated and then initialized via implemented init method.

at line 136
static xf instance()

Returns an instance of xf class.

This class is a singleton.

Return Value


in ObjectManager at line 125
set_injection_objects(array $objects)

Add given objects to injection object list that will be inject into object by magic call. The array should consists of property name as key and object as value.


array $objects

at line 277
set_instantiation_closure(string $class, $callable)

No description


string $class

in ObjectManager at line 141

Sets the directory where classes are stored.

This folder can contains other folder or classes. All requested and registered classes will be searched in this folder by concating this path with the relative path defined in the registration of the requested class. If the class is not included it will be done on the fly.



in ObjectManager at line 156

Sets the class name prefix.

An optional possibility to pretend a prefix for all registered classes. This prefix is only required in the class name of the requested object. The registered class name should not contains this prefix. E.g. a class called xf_foobar should be registered as foobar.



at line 239

Global Shutdown Function being called on finishing Page Call

at line 284
skip_init(string $component)

No description


string $component

in ObjectManager at line 103
xelos_object_manager_init(bool $lib_class_dir, string $lib_class_prefix = '', string $ns_prefix = '')

trait constructor This method have to be called from constructor of each class that uses this trait.

It sets the defaults and all necessary properties.


bool $lib_class_dir
string $lib_class_prefix

e.g. 'xf_'

string $ns_prefix

e.g. "XELOS\Framework\Lib\"