XELOS ONE 2023.2 Update

Overview of functional changes

Changes and customizations in XELOS ONE introduced in this release basOverview of functional changesed on internal testing and customer feedback.

New Features:


Read receipts for editors

New in our dashboard: An overview of all read receipts for editors. This will make it even easier in the future to keep track of who has already taken note of important messages.


Experience XELOS barrier-free

Our latest update has further improved accessibility. Among other things, this makes it even easier for all users to log in and use the site navigation without restrictions. In addition, you can now add an accessibility declaration in the dashboard in the "Legal" category, which all users can then view.



The tasks always in view

All content pages can now display a custom to-do portlet that lists all open tasks. This includes, for example, read confirmations, contact requests or updates of followed pages.


Level-up in terms of security and display

By updating our cloud infrastructure including servers, databases and search service, we were able to further optimize security and stability. Something has also changed optically: by improving numerous styles, we were able to further refine the UI and the mobile view.

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