XELOS Update 8.2.4

Announcement: Patchnotes for the XELOS Update

Announcement: Patchnotes for the XELOS Update

The most important innovations and improvements

Some adjustments have been made to the group newsletter:

  1. The unneeded image button has been removed from the editor.
  2. The maximum file size of the attachment field has been changed to 10 MB, since most mail servers reject larger files and to generally reduce the error rate. The size can be set to a scale from 1 to 10 in the group configuration.
  3. Each newsletter is now tried to send 3 times. If the newsletter could not be sent after the third attempt, the newsletter is set to "error" in the Job History() and marked "skipped" in the group itself. The newsletter can then be revised and resent at any time via "retry".


Compatibility for i18n mode has been improved. You can now select a preferred language before disabling the i18n.



The forum was revised. In the category Ideas the number is now shown again in the thread overview. If none of the votes for Pro or Contra is predominant, a lightning symbol is now displayed instead of a 0.

Pagination for categories has been removed.

Fixed bugs and new functions

  • Core
    • XC-2113 Problems with user import via Excel file solved
    • XC-1967 Admin can now see the language selected by the user
    • XC-2119 System API Mail incorrect operations are now skipped
    • XC-2180 E-Mail Check has been adapted.
  • CMS
    • XC-2138 Changes in the tab Extension are now preserved
  • DMS
    • XC-2067 version number is no longer displayed when it is a link.
    • XC-2122 Pagination error when subfolders and files are contained in a folder has been fixed
    • XC-2199 Checkbox in template is now set correctly
  • Event Planner
    • XC-2158 Error in registration of external users fixed
  • Forum
    • ideas counter is displayed again
  • Lists
    • XC-2188 fields no longer need to have the value "show in form" to be displayed in the workflow.
  • Lookbook
    • XC-2155 Encoding bug in keyword usage fixed

further fixes: 2125, 2126, 2171, 2121, 2203

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