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Document Follow

Users can follow Elements which are represented by a DocumentIndex-Object.

Follow Table

The system_follow Database Table, stores the specific follows for a document_index_id and a user_id. Entries can have the following status:

  • 'follow': The user_id sees this document in the feed
  • 'follow' with 'notify=1': The user_id will also get notifications for this document, if something changes.
  • 'ignore': The user_id will neither see this document in the feed and nor will the user_id get notfications.
  • 'auto_follow': If the user_id is the creator of the document, the user_id will have this status entry for the document_index_id. If a 'follow' or 'ignore' entry is removed for a document_index_id where the user_id is the creator of the document, the DocumentIndex Daemon will automatically add an 'auto_follow' entry again during the document indexing.

Parent Follows

If an user_id follows an element which has canoical childrens, the user_id will also follow all child elements (e.g.: A user_id follows the forum category "Discussion", then the user_id will also follow all threads created in this category). If child elements have no explicit entry for the child element the parent setting will be in effect. If there is an 'ignore' entry in the system_follow table for the child element, then the child element will be ignored.

If there are more than one parent follows in the canonical path of, the nearest parent follow in the to the canonical path will be in effect.

Forced Follows

There are the policies 'autofollow' and 'autofollow_notify' available in the doclink module. Administrators can set user groups and/or single users to follow a document_index_id. These forced follows will also be used previously described "Parent Follows"