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Hooks in XELOS allow to extends existing modules, e.g.:

  • Display the local weather on a CMS page.
  • Create a new workflows action which sends new leave requests to the internal ERP system.
  • Check the availability of an internal system and display its status in System Health.
  • Display events from the web site in the XELOS calendar.
  • Provide a new authentication method.

Creating hooks

  1. Hooks have to be registered in the config.yml file in the provided_hooks section.
  2. The code for the hook is in the Hook folder, see the coding conventions.


The following hooks provide a base class for the implementation:

  • Authentication: XELOS\Framework\Module\Hook\AuthenticationHook
  • CMS & Portal components (portlets): XELOS\Framework\Module\Hook\ModulePortlet
  • Search integration: XELOS\Modules\Search\Hook\Base\SearchIntegration
  • System Status: XELOS\Modules\SystemStatus\Hook\Base\Check
  • Webservice: XELOS\Modules\Webservice\Hook\Base\Service


The module blueend/example_survey has an example implementation of a CMS and Portlet hook.